Presentation: serene

An app for logging and tracking symptoms, without the anxiety found in most clinical spaces.

  • An easier way to document experiences with chronic or sporadic health issues.

  • Health-focused, with a calm and compassionate atmosphere.

  • A time-sensitive tool for when speaking to doctors and other professionals.

(Myself) Daria Zadorozhnaya

  • Research & development

  • User Testing & Interface

  • Prototyping

UC Berkeley Extension Course Project

JUN 2023 - AUG 2023

The Problem

The concept for this app was derived from my own experiences with chronic health issues and unexplained symptoms.

  • In the wake of Covid-19, people have begun to pay more attention to their health than before.

  • A number of my friends and family have struggled with cataloguing their new and/or sporadic symptoms.

I found myself wishing that I had an easier way to document what I was experiencing. That when I was able to speak with my doctor, I would have something to point to with direct and detailed information.

To Summarize:

serene is an app that provides users with a platform to log their symptoms, track the progression over time, and consolidate their information without the anxiety and confusion of overly-clinical spaces. Through the development of this project, I aimed to come up with an answer for a problem that was close to me and my loved ones, with consideration for the trauma and stressful times that we have all recently endured.


  • A digital prototype that allows for free-form exploration of the app.

    • Critical paths include:

      • Viewing previous entries on the platform.

      • Logging a new symptom with all of its details.

      • Viewing and interacting with the platform through multiple avenues of sorting and layout.

      • Seeing how the symptoms can be linked together.

  • UX elements and deliverables.

  • Improvements in:

    • Using Figma.

    • Using UX methods effectively.

    • Significant improvements in how to utilize UI skills.

    • Further practice in refining drafts and wireflows/wireframes to higher fidelity versions.

What I Learned

  • How to utilize resources available to me online and through other means. While I should obviously retain my own ideas and creativity, there is no need for me to suffer trying to re-invent the wheel. For example, in what colors or fonts coordinate well together.

  • How to approach work that I’ve done with a critical eye, sometimes even requiring a complete overhaul visually to make improvements.

  • How to better take into account the feedback of my stakeholders (my instructor in this instance) and my participants in user testing.

What Comes Next

  • Further testing to revealing additional pain points and areas of potential improvement to the prototype. 

  • General skill improvements when using Figma will go towards bettering the prototype.

  • Potentially exploring dietary options, specifically for food intolerance or allergies rather than weight loss endeavors.